- a 'permissive' network, allowing information transfer
- liberty and lack of censorship
- illiberal due to NSA/governmental interception - Ed Snowdon
- nature of freedom/restriction - social justice
- Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
- Uses: connection, information, voices in your head, political action, caritas and campaigning, financial reward, games, learning, friendship.
- Defects: bullying, unwanted porn, images of child sexual abuse, extremism, abuse, 'context collapse', scams and ripoffs, fraud, conspiracy theories, dark web.
- Permissions and regulation
- www.medium.com/ghostboat
- breaching copyright
Natalie Fenton Power & Leveson
- Phone-hacking scandal (2011)
- Reputation of politicians and the elite
- BBC Funding - organisation of the public or the government?
- Diversity and pluralism affected by replication of stories in the media - focus on commercial gain - DailyMail - lower overall quality
- Lower democracy in the press
- Compliance in power of the media producers - financial motivations instead of public interest (agenda)
- Social media/democratised media - 'prosumers' - exploited positively for social change
- News of The World - (abolished 2011) - 'Hackgate' was fueled by incentive for news organisations to gain competitively instead of benefit public interest
- Chris Jeffries - demonised by The Sun (and 8 other newspaper orgs) - documentary highlights misrecognition fueled by malicious representations - for financial gain
- Entanglement between media professionals and political elites
- Since 1969 - No government has been elected without the assistance of Rupert Murdoch - constraints on democratic practice
- Stuart Hall - media responsibly circulates definitions - ABSENCE/PRESENCE/DEVIANCE
- 'Common sense' and 'deviance'
- Sensationalised language used to evoke moral panics -
- mainstream media: DailyMail, DailyExpress, The Sun
- Reinforced by 'Perils of perception' Ipso Mori (2013)
- Socio-political activism - #blacklivesmatter
Owen Jones Media, democracy & politics
- Capitalism of elites
- hierarchical distribution of wealth
- political declarations of cuts - 'unfair'
- 'Injustice is like the weather' - politics of hope can overcome these injustices
- Yet Corbyn will probably not win HAhaHAhahA
- Uprise from a constrained/conservatively hegemonic society - use of social activism - overthrow the elite
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